Training – Fortran 90/95

Many programmers want to upgrade their skills to be able to write and maintain Fortran programs using the modern features of Fortran 90 and 95. This class provides the knowledge to be able to use these features to produce efficient, portable, and maintainable code.

We provide two versions of this class:  one for programmers new to Fortran, and one class for those who already know Fortran 77.

The class sessions include several opportunities to try these features using a Fortran 90/95 compiler in the classroom  immediately after they are discussed.  This provides strong reinforcement of the material covered and creates the opportunity to ask questions of experienced instructors when they arise during these lab sessions.

This is usually a four-day course, but it can be done in three days, and five days provide a more leisurely pace and allow more individual attention.

Currently, the Fortran classes are offered only at customer sites.

Course Topics

    • A little history
    • Introduction and overview of Fortran 90/95
    • Building and executing F90/95 programs
    • Control constructs
    • Modules and procedures
    • Arrays
    • Character strings
    • Data structures
    • Can you do object-oriented programming in Fortran?
    • Pointers
    • Input/output


The instructors for our classes are exceptionally knowledgable about Fortran on a wide variety of computer systems.  Our primary instructor, Dr. Walt Brainerd, is recognized world wide as an expert on the Fortran programming language.  He played a leading role in the development of Fortran 90, is the co-author of many programming books, including the Fortran 2003 Handbook and Guide to Fortran 2003 Programming, and has presented Fortran training seminars to many organizations,
including NASA, Army Research Laboratory, Naval Research Laboratory, Phillips
Laboratory (Air Force), Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National
Laboratory, Microsoft, Cray Research, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Northwest
Airlines, Falcon Assets Management (US F & G), the Navy Oceanographic
Center, Westinghouse, Duke Energy, Ontario Power, the Canadian AEC, Saudi Aramco,
and the Army Waterways Experiment Center.

Walt earned one of the first
Ph.D.s in Computer Science in the United States.

Course Materials Provided

        • Each participant receives a CD containing the class notes and examples.

Questions, pricing, availability?

The Fortran Company
Voice & Fax: +1-877-355-6640